Reset your metabolism

Are you ready to reset your health and experience a new quality of life?

Various nutritional factors (too many carbohydrates, denatured food, etc.) can push our metabolism out of its natural balance. However, that doesn’t have to happen, because with the Metabolic Balance nutrition program you will get your metabolism back to its original healthy starting position.

Even diet-related illnesses can be improved by the program and, of course, your quality of life too - because if you don’t feel healthy or have no energy, your entire person will be affected, including your private and social environment.

What Metabolism needs - enzymes and hormones

Metabolism is regulated by enzymes and hormones. They control the vital functions. Enzymes act like catalysts, they set bodily functions in motion and are decisively involved in chemical conversion processes. The hormones produced by your body’s glands – such as insulin from the pancreas – interact directly with many control systems and are responsible for the entire “energy management” of your body.

To maintain their structures and functions, enzymes and hormones need building materials and they obtain these from the food you eat each day. If the necessary nutrients are not supplied or in insufficient quantities, your metabolism can easily become imbalanced – and this leads to more than just overweight: there are many metabolic illnesses that develop when your metabolism is derailed – such as the acquired diabetes type II.

This is why the right diet is a basic prerequisite for a regulated enzyme and hormone balance – and this is precisely where the personalised Metabolic Balance nutrition plan comes in. Personal dietary recommendations are made based on your blood values and individual data, because each and every one of us is an individual with his or her own dietary habits. This is how you give your organism the food it really needs, restoring your metabolic balance in a completely natural way.

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